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An Update to Chaos

Stephanie Faye

I told y'all I was gonna be AWOL. I got back from Texas on Tuesday but I've been super busy since. I know, I know, it's all excuses but for real though. It's like since I've been back, I've hardly had time to sit down & do anything!

The Book/Writing/Author Things?: I have still been editing the second book, I am hoping to have it finished soon as well as the trailer for it. I SWEAR - I will try to have it done soon!! Here's kind of a sneak peak into what the second book cover will look like:

The Cats: Darth Vader has been doing well. My eldest got a new houseplant & he has kind of been entranced with it as of late. He does have a check-up for his heart in December but we will talk about that when it actually happens. So as you all know Fuzzy had her vet appointment on 9th & it was terrifying. She was there for almost the whole day. Unfortunately, they did have to sedate her because she wouldn't be still for her x-rays or her blood work. She came back all loopy which we all felt bad but also was a little funny. So the bloodwork came back fine, she's healthy in that area. However, her legs are not. The vet said the arthritis has advanced badly in her back right leg. Her left leg and her front legs are completely normal. The hard part is, first of all there is no cure for arthritis, but secondly there are less medication options in cats vs dogs. The vet wants us to keep her on the Dasaquin & put her on Gabapentin for the bad days. They want to do another x-ray in December to compare the x-rays to see if it has progressed any. For right now, per the vets orders, we are taking it day by day. Lately she has been doing well, only falling once or twice. We still don't want to lose our evil little girl, especially my youngest but we don't want her to live a life of pain. So please still keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Finally, CC. She's just chunky. We're still just working on her weight. Lately she's been playing with the old man & cuddling with Cael.

The Children: Our oldest is currently working as well as finishing up her second degree (Film & Video Production). She's gonna graduate this December! Our middle boy is getting his first job & is currently saving for a trip with his friend & a trip to Japan. He is also practicing his art (drawing/animating) Our youngest is getting ready to start college & will be working for her first Associates Degree (Science ~ Marine Biology). They've all been keeping themselves pretty busy.

The Husband: His business has been doing well. A day or two ago he did lose a worker & a friend so please keep him in your thoughts & prayers. Despite that, he's been working really hard. As of late he has still been working on our house ~ trying to get it finished & working on "building" our dream house (*making plans*). We have also been planning a trip with my cousin Michelle to Roatan, Honduras! We are dying to go and he deserves another vacation!

Other News: We are still looking to get the land perked so we can build a house there. We have also been looking to move abroad like Roatan, Honduras or anywhere exotic & warm. My oldest is looking to move to NYC or Denmark or somewhere in Europe. My middle boy is looking to move to Japan & our youngest is dying to be in Alaska.

We are all looking forward to Halloween in 6 days as well as Thanksgiving & Christmas. We are still hoping to go on all of our trips next year, so we are planning for those. We are also having Michelle visit us for her birthday next week, Kelly (Samantha's weirdest friend) is visiting soon, & my mom is coming down for the holidays. So I don't think the chaos is going to let up anytime soon! I hope you all are having an awesome week & are going to have an awesome Halloween. Please feel free to comment below, share, or give some love on any social media pages!

If it hasn't been your week, month, or year, please enjoy this picture of Fuzzy on some anesthesia (or if you need a good laugh).

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