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Stephanie Faye


I'm building a launch team for my new book, and I'd LOVE to have you be a part of it.

You are invited, yes you, to join as a Launch Partner. I'm building a launch team for the new book in my new series.

What's the new book you may be asking. It's (shhh...still kind of secret)

The Glyph Master: Rise Of The Vanquisher.

Ohhhhh right?

The Rise Of The Vanquisher will release on 11/11, but there's no way one person like me can get the word out. And that's where you come in. I'm putting together a book launch team.

Anyone who is on my launch team will get a sneak peek (first three chapters) of the manuscript and a chance to be a part of the release and building of the book.

You might qualify for the team IF:

  1. You know me OR think you might like to know me.

  2. You are willing to talk about and share information on my book

Easy right?

"Talking" might include sharing updates to your social media (that's easy), sharing with friends, family, co-works, or whatever comes to mind. It's all about sharing, cuz sharing is caring.

That's it and you don't need a large platform, you just need to talk about it.

If you join my team, you'll be added to a FB group that will stay active until shortly after the launch to celebrate all we've done together. The FB group will be a place to discuss and share ideas and insights, as well as ask any questions. I'll just ask you to share in your circles about the book prior to its official release.

If you aren't interested, if this just isn't your thing, no matter the reason, please close this and walk away with no guilt or worries. BUT if this sounds fun and easy, then this might be right for you.

Here are some exciting benefits you'll receive by being a Launch Partner:

  • Access to the first three chapters (possibly more) before anyone else can read it.

  • Get exclusive access to ask me questions and give me feedback.

  • Feel great knowing you are helping me spread the word about the book and the new series.

  • You will receive a signed author copy of the book before anyone else.

  • Being part of an amazing team.

  • More surprises along the way.

Here's one complication I can help you with - How do you know if you're going to love this book?

You don't have to love it to talk about it. You can offer constructive criticism, awesome reviews, snarky pushback, or whatever strikes you. But by joining, you are offering to share about it in ways only YOU can. I will offer ideas, pictures, dates, and whatever I can to help, but I will not twist your arm to share in any way that makes you uncomfortable or just isn't you.

I will be up-front to tell you that work (easy work) is involved if you join. I"m looking for people who have the time and desire to spread the word on a frequent basis.

Here are some of the activities that are required if you join:

  • Read the advanced chapters and tell me your favorite parts or quotes & share those.

  • Post a review on Amazon and Goodreads as soon as it becomes available.

  • Share information about the book and series on your social media at least THREE times a week. (This is the most vital part)

  • Pre-order my book or buy a copy for a friend (this will be signed.) **If you are part of the team I will send you a discount code**

I will be selecting my Launch Partners soon. I've put a few questions at the bottom of the page. Send me an email,, with your answers and the subject line: Launch Partner.

So convince me, because sadly I can't pick everyone, but you've got a good chance.

I have several social media platforms that you can follow and share as well:

The book is now open for pre-orders only on my website, so you can share that now.

Amazon pre-orders will be coming soon and I will let you know so you can share that as well.

Once the book launches I will send you a signed copy author copy two to three weeks ahead of time, so you can leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads, but you can't do that until the actual release date otherwise it looks fishy.

I will be making the first three chapters available to those that are selected as a Launch Partner.

Thanks for considering joining us as a Launch Partner.


  1. How do you know me?

  2. Why do you want to join?

  3. What's your favorite genre of book?

Once I receive your information, I'll get back to you shortly with more details.

I can't wait to have you as part of my team. This is going to be big.

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