I can't believe it. I blinked & it's already September, not only that it's literally the first day of fall! I've had such a fun summer, traveling, beaches, summer reading, etc. I can't wait to start my fall reading list, which I always keep simple. One re-read & two new reads. I'm always looking for suggestions but here's my plan for this fall:

1 - Slewfoot: A Tale of Bewitchery by BROM. This was reccomended to me by my eldest daughter. She takes after me in the fact of she enjoys Halloween/scary readings all year round. This book is not a super long read, but my daughter explained it as a dark fantasy set in colonial new england around the time of the witch trials. It's about a young woman who arrives to a Puritan colony betrothed to a stranger, only to become a widow when he dies under mysterious circumstances. She fights for what freedom she has, staying true to herself, her past, & doing what it takes to survive in world intent on hanging anyone who meddles within the dark arts. My eldest explained it in a way that made me excited, it's currently sitting next to me on my desk & I can't wait to start reading it. You can purchase it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or ThriftBooks. It's also avaliable in most libraries as well!

2 - Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery. This is my yearly re-read. I don't know how else to explain it, but since I was a child, this story has felt like fall. I put on the movie soundtrack, & become one with Anne (with an E) again. Yes, it is a movie series, TV series, & an 8 Part book series, I really only read the one & watch the first movie in the movie series. In case you've never heard of it or have read it, here's a small summary: Anne Shirley, an 11 year old orphan has arrived on Prince Edward Island only to discover the Cuthberts wanted to adopt a boy! Before they can send her back, she wins them over with her fiesty attitude, her imagination, & her love. It's a wonderful protrait of a place, time, family, & love. You can purchase this book series anywhere as it's still an american beloved book. Its also avaliable at most libraries, however it typically is well sought after during fall so get yours now!

3 - Home is where the Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose. While this is a typically shorter book, reaching at 249 pages, it's a real page turner is what the Barnes & Noble sold me on. She claims to have been on the edge of her seat while reading it. While I haven't read it yet, I'm already impressed by the cover & the art inside. In case you haven't heard of it, it's about when three estranged siblings reuinite after their mother's funeral to sort out her estate. While going through their parent's belongings, they stumble upon some videotapes that ecapsulate their childhood. However, one of the tapes reveals a night back in 1999 of their parents covered in blood, a dead body, & a solemn pact. The siblings must now decide to leave it within the past or uncover every dark secret their mother took to the grave. I already can't wait to read it, but it's going to be my read closer to Halloween. I love a good mystery & family horror. It's relatively new so you can purchase most places you can get a new book & as far as I know it's not at the library just yet but I keep checking!
I know it seems like it's not a ton of books, which it isn't. The reasons for the few books is because of the FIVE events coming up in September & October. None of which count any vacations or trips to see families. Here's what is upcoming:

Event 1: White's Farm -
It's coming soon!! It'll be next weekend, Saturday September 28th from 10 AM - 3 PM in Vanceboro, NC. You can pick your own pumpkin & grab a good book to read!! It's going to be so fun. Of course Rai's Plushies will be there as well, hopefully with some fall plushies or some very cute strawberry cows again. In case you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or you can visit their website (https://whitesfarmvanceboro.com/) which has information such as tickets, parking, time slots for the hay rides, etc. I can't wait to see you all there!!

Rai's Plushies & I will be there on both dates. It takes place on Friday, October 11th (Turkey Buzzards) & Friday, October 25th (Folkswagon). The festivals both run from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm & the concerts start at 6:30 pm. In case you have any questions about anything, the city of Burgaw has put official information on this flyer & their website: https://burgawnc.gov/Calendar.aspx?EID=779
It might be wise to get their early, even as a vendor I found it hard to get parking & I was there super early last year. I hope to see you all there on both dates! It's going to be such fun!

This even takes place also in-between Events 2 & 3. It takes place on Saturday, October 12th from 10 AM - 4 PM in Newport, NC. This event is so cool because vendors will be inside & outside!! I hope the weather is nice that weekend. Rai's Plushies will be there again as well as myself, signing autographs & sharing informaiton about my cats or what I"m currently reading. I hope to see you all !

Event 5: Autumn Fest in Pender County Courthouse Square.
This event takes place in between the two Burgaw events. It takes place on Saturday, October 19th from 10 AM - 6 PM. This one is a little different from the other events as it has 5K race & a costume contest! There's information on the flyer but of course I will update you with more as the time comes closer. I can't wait to see you all in your costumes, I might wear mine as well. Rai's Plushies might also be in her costume, so keep an eye out for our booths! We will see you all there!
If you can't make your way out to any of these upcoming festivals or Markets, don't worry about it! I have a ton more planned all the way to December AND my book series are being sold in BARNES & NOBLE!! I've included the locations below & I even saw some in a local book store (NEXT CHAPTER BOOKS & ART) as well in New Bern, NC.
I am attempting to schedule more events with more time in between and in different locations (For example going to SC, GA, VA, UT), but we'll see how that goes with the holidays coming up. I will continue to provide you with updates on all activities related to the Zelina series, The Glyph Master series, Ream stories, Rise of the Vanquisher, as well as any other Vella's books, interviews, podcasts, and festivals. Stay tuned by reading these blogs and following my social media posts on Facebook, Tik Tok, & Instagram. Be sure to check the bookstores, Barnes & Noble, Libraries, & of course any thrift stores!
See you at all the festivals this year, book signings, Insta, TikTok, Fb, or on REAM📔