I've worked super hard, lots of hours spent trying to get Rise of the Vanquisher ready to publish by November 11.
Sadly, last night as I sat in my office staring at the blinking cursor on my screen everything in me told me it was time to announce what I've been thinking about for over a month: The Glyph Master: Rise of the Vanquisher will not be released this year.
I'm heartbroken.
I was pushing through so much, fighting through it all to get it out in time, but found it was not going to happen no matter how hard I tried.
So, for now, the first book in the series is being shelved for publication.

Don't get me wrong, I will finish the beta reader edits and have it ready for my editors, but it will not be published until sometime next year.
I will start on the second book and maybe even a Kindle Vella in the meantime.
I apologize for this. It stinks when something like this happens.
I do hope you will hang in there with me, keep up to date with all that is happening outside of The Glyph Master, and stay tuned for exciting news.
Thanks for your support with this book and with Zelina.
