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Treat yo'elf

Stephanie Faye

Congrats to all the winners! All of the books have been sent off & should arrive either before or after Christmastime. Thank you all for entering the Goodreads & my personal giveaway. I hope you all like the book, if so please leave a review on anything like Goodreads, Amazon, etc. If you didn't win, don't worry! As soon as the holiday season is over we have some BIG plans!! I am trying to finish Book 3; Book 2 is in it's final stages of editing as well, as it's getting its chapter breaks made. My editor is still working on the trailer for Book 2 & is hoping to have it out soon. Zelina: the First Glyph is also on sale: $10.95 for an autographed print, $9.99 for regular printed, $0.99 on Kindle, & free on Kindle Unlimited.

I am also going to host another Goodreads/personal giveaway again in January so be on the lookout for that! Until next week...

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, & it's almost 2021!!

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