Hi everyone! Hope you are all having an excellent weekend :) I finally got some more updates and some graphics for the upcoming festivals for the rest of the year. They are all new and I'm very excited to join! I will be there selling and signing books, so come and see me.
In other news, my neice is still recovering very well. Thank you all for your continued kind words and wishes for her - I will keep passing them along!
Below are more festival details:
1. SURF CITY FALL FESTIVAL November 3 / 5 pm - 8 pm
Surf City Elementary/Middle School

November 4 & 5 / 9 am - 10:30 pm (Saturday) / 9 am - 5 pm (Sunday)

3. HOMETOWN HOLIDAY MARKET November 17 / 5 pm - 9 pm Burgaw Train Depot 115 S Dickerson St, Burgaw

4. CHRISTMAS ON THE SQUARE December 16, 2023 / 10:00 am-4:00 pm 100 S. Wright Street Burgaw, NC 28425 (Pender County Courthouse Square)

I hope to see you all there - it'll be lots of fun.
Also, my crazy puppy, all the baby kitties, several reptiles, all the "human" children, and the husband are all doing good; they are all off doing their fall festivities. My eldest just did her yearly trip to the state fair and barely survived it - she even rode a super large ride that literally broke down the moment she got off of it. She loves to gift me with a sense of worry for the state of her well-being, just in time for the holiday's too! I hope you all are doing amazing & are excited for the best time of the year - I'm excited to have my family all come visit and be in one place!
I will keep you up to date with all that is happening with Zelina, The Glyph Master series, and all my other Vella's, books, and festivals I'm doing especially all the ones that are upcoming this year. So keep reading these blogs and watching all my social media posts! Hang in there & stay tuned for fun new updates! I'm always forever grateful and thank you for all your continued support every day!